Sunday, 1 July 2012

I am a celebrity !

In case you didn't already know, I am famous ! I was cat of the day on June 1st...did you see me??
I think I made a very good impression.  Today miewmie has just given me my wormie drops. Humph. Is that anyway to treat a celebrity?

Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Here I am

This is me looking in through the window from the conservatory, trying my best to look innocent. That's because I am innocent. Really. Truly. Not up to anything. Not having pussy cat thoughts, not scheming, not even thinking about food..well maybe just a bit. he he

Thursday, 16 February 2012

My nippy cushion

I love my nippy cushion. Its nice and soft and 'nippy' ! My head just about fits on it when I want a little snooze. Miewmie says I get crazy on nip. Well, maybe a little hyper ! Once I have had a mad five minutes, I need to rest a little to recharge my batteries. It gives me time to think feline thoughts...and they are my secret !